School Types & Scholarships

Traditional Public Special State Magnet Charter Private Homeschool Virtual Scholarship Programs


Charter schools are public schools of choice that are tax-funded and tuition-free. In Mississippi, they are open to all students residing in the school district where the school is located or in nearby C, D, or F-rated school districts. Overseen by independent boards, charter schools have freedom from some traditional public school regulations and often have a special curriculum or focus.

Charter schools have a limited number of available seats and must hold an annual lottery when applications exceed that number to randomly determine which students will attend.

  • For more information on charter schools, visit the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board (MCSAB). The MCSAB holds an annual application and review process for groups interested in opening a charter school. State law only allows charter schools to be located in D or F-rated districts.

7 Schools of This Type