School Details

Classical Conversations – Clinton

Home School

Clinton, MS


Classical Conversations – Clinton is a home school.


The number of students and their demographics are not available for Classical Conversations – Clinton.


Hinds County

Total Population: 231,840

  •       Males: 108,268
  •       Females: 123,572

Growth: -5.48%
Number of Households: 91,351
Median Income: $44,671

Race/Ethnicity Male Female Total % Change
Non-Hispanic White or Caucasian 28,054 30,075 58,129 -18%
Black or African American 78,264 91,269 169,533 0%
Asian-American 723 996 1,719 -12%
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander 33 36 69 -21%
Native American and Alaska Native 127 107 234 -40%
Hispanic American 1,791 1,822 3,613 0%
Two or more races 1067 1089 2,156 11%


No performance data is available for Classical Conversations – Clinton.

No performance data is available for Classical Conversations – Clinton.


Classical Conversations – Clinton is a private school that charges tuition and fees and may have scholarships and discounts available.


Grade Cost Per Year

Overall Rating

Based on reviews, Classical Conversations – Clinton receives an overall rating of 0 out of 5 stars from MS School Finder users.

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Learning Differences

Extracurricular Activities

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